List All Covers Of Benton, Monica & Oscar

1Everbody Is Telling Me/Were You There?EMI Columbia 1C 006-24 627
2Everbody Is Telling Me/Were You There?EMI Columbia 1C 006-24 627
3Was ich brauche, das bist du (All I ever want is you)/Danke schön, bitte schön, danke schönEMI Columbia 1C 006-24 484
4Was ich brauche, das bist du (All I ever want is you)/Danke schön, bitte schön, danke schönEMI Columbia 1C 006-24 484
5Everbody Is Telling Me/Were You There?EMI Imperial 5C 006-24 627 (NL)
6Everbody Is Telling Me/Were You There?EMI Imperial 5C 006-24 627 (NL)
7All I Ever Need Is You/Sing Along, Sing Along, Sing AlongEMI Imperial 5C 006-24 476
8All I Ever Need Is You/Sing Along, Sing Along, Sing AlongEMI Imperial 5C 006-24 476
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