List All Covers Of Grunsky, Jack

1Train Station Blues/Alone On My OwnAmadeo AVRS 21 516
2Tobiko County/Buffalo BrianAmadeo AVRS 21 605
3Tobiko County/Buffalo BrianAmadeo AVRS 21 605
4Hey, Is It Worth All The Pain/The Blue In MeKuckuck 2045 012
5Campfire/Back Home To CanadaKuckuck 2045 010
6Sleet & The Rain/Highway Made A Fool Of MeAtom 238 045
7I Gotta Breath/Ain't You Got A Thing To Say To MeAmadeo AVRS 21 595
8I Gotta Breath/Ain't You Got A Thing To Say To MeAmadeo AVRS 21 595
9Oh My Love, Yes My Love/Der verliebte PrinzAmadeo AVRS 21 521
10Sally McGregor/Oh My Love, Yes My LoveAmadeo AVRS 21 520
11Sweeper Woman/CatherineAmadeo 921 540 APF
12Der verliebte Prinz/Oh My Love, Yes My LoveAmadeo 013/69
13Der verliebte Prinz/Oh My Love, Yes My LoveAmadeo 013/69
14Sweeper Woman/CatherineAmadeo AVRS 21 540
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