List All Covers Of Sarstedt, Peter

1Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)/I Am A CathedralUnited Artists UA 35 000
2As Though It Were A Movie/Take Off Your ClothesUnited Artists 35 041 A
3Europa/FriendsRCA PB 69015
4Frozen Orange juice/Aretusa LoserUnited Artists 35 021 A
5Where Do You Go To/I Am A CathedralUnited Artists 35 648 A
6Without Darkness (There's no light)/Step Into The CandlelightUnited Artists 35 075
7Without Darkness (There's no light)/Step Into The CandlelightUnited Artists 35 075
8Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)/I Am A CathedralEMI Electrola 1C 006-82 661
9Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)/I Am A CathedralEMI Electrola 1C 006-82 661
10Beirut/Hollywood SignHansa 15 722 AT
11Beirut/Hollywood SignHansa 15 722 AT
12Where Do You Go To My Lovely/English Girlsbr. Music 45004
13Where Do You Go To My Lovely/Morning MountainUnited Artists 25 926 (NL)
14Where Do You Go To My Lovely/Morning MountainUnited Artists 25 926 (NL)
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