List All Covers Of Pagliaro, Michel

1Lovin' You Ain't Easy/She Moves LightPYE PV 15 372
2Lovin' You Ain't Easy/She Moves LightPYE 10 905 AT
3Lovin' You Ain't Easy/She Moves LightPYE 7N 45111
4Lovin' You Ain't Easy/She Moves LightPYE UP 360 Y
5J'Entendeds Frapper/Dans La PeauCBS 3651
6Get Down/What The Hell I GotCBS 3688
7Louise/Si tu voulaisCBS 4446
8Le Temps Presse/Rock'n RollCBS 5018
9Dock Of The Bay/Loser GipsyCBS 5249
10Dock Of The Bay/Loser GipsyCBS 5249
11Spider Woman/bPlastic Poison MRCX 5008
12Rock Billy Rock/TravaillierBig Beat BBR 1801
13Body Mind Soul/Poison In The HeartBig Beat BBR 1726
14Dangereux/Les BombesEMI Victoria 2023707
15L'espion/bWMD Cross Over 207001
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