List All Covers Of Rivets

1Barbara Ann/I Got A FeelingStar-Club 148 546 STF
2Komm/Die Welt ist voll MusikStar-Club 148 538 STF
3The Girl I Love/Time For LoveStar-Club 148 545 STF
4Love/Yum YumStar-Club 148 561 STF
5Love/Yum YumStar-Club 148 561 STF
6Wade In The Water/She Hardly Calls Me Honey AnymoreStar-Club 148 574 STF
7Make Up My Mind/The LionStar-Club 148 589 STF
8It's A Long Way To Tipperary/Watch The WorldFontana 269 389 TF
9Now Dezide/LucilleStar-Club 148 518
10Now Dezide/LucilleStar-Club 148 518
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