List All Covers Of Wagoner, Porter

1Who Will He Be/Good Mornin', NeighborRCA 47- 6844 (US)
2Who Will He Be/Good Mornin', NeighborRCA 47- 6844 (US)
3I'm Gonna Feed You Now/The Bride's BouquetRCA 47- 8524
4I'm Gonna Feed You Now/The Bride's BouquetRCA 47- 8524
5Eat, Drink And Be Merry/Let's SquiggleRCA 47- 6289
6Eat, Drink And Be Merry/Let's SquiggleRCA 47- 6289
7The Man In The Little White Suit/Feudin' BanjosRCA PJL 2-8002
8The Man In The Little White Suit/Feudin' BanjosRCA PJL 2-8002
9The Man In The Little White Suit/Feudin' BanjosRCA PJL 2-8002
10The Man In The Little White Suit/Feudin' BanjosRCA PJL 2-8002
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